Had a long riding day yesterday. It was productive, though, as it produced 4 U.S. Presidents (Mount Rushmore), a dozen pronged antelope, two herds of buffalo and a bunch of wild asses on the road. Some donkeys too.
I am not sure what attracts people to buffalo, as they are essentially cattle with long hair. In my personal experience, long hair never measurably added to my appeal to others, but it works for the buffalo, as people will consistently stop in the middle of the road to stare at them. The donkeys were very cute, as were the presidents.
I'm one of those folks, rare I guess, who just don't get Mount Rushmore. These happen to be four presidents whom I admire greatly and who most definitely stand out in the roster of US presidents. But I think Mount Rushmore would have been perfectly pleasant scenery without the defacement involved. Admittedly, the sculpture was an impressive accomplishment, both artistically and logistically, but I question the tradeoffs involved. Also, you gotta admit its sort of a weird grouping of presidents. Despite the obligatory stops to see tourist attractions, we are having fun. It is something of a disparate group we have, between Big Dave from Jersey

and George from Ohio
we are a pretty good cross section of the MC world. Mostly male riders, but most of the ladies present ride their own bikes, like Flossie from Missoura:
So far, we have pretty much avoided talking politics, one of our basic rules, so we get along just fine.
In any event, this gathering draws to a close today with a ride to the Crazy Horse memorial and other scenic places. Will report as ever a.s.a.p., your faithful correspondent....
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