But, truth will out, all the planning for this one was completed months ago, including motel reservations at eleven way-points coming and going: no camping this trip. In a departure from my usual solo ventures, I will be traveling with an older gentleman this time, and I believe he feels the old joints and other wear-parts can no longer handle the rigors of a true Gypsy Tour---camping along the way. Deferring respectfully to the needs of an aging companion, I acquiesced: 'age before beauty' as they say. I will return next year to the land of the Kumbaya Singers.
Having managed to give you a rough introduction to my traveling companion, let me introduce you to the probable real cause of the need for a soft bed at night: This is Greg and his 1947 Indian Chief, which he plans to ride all of the 3,000 + miles we will cover this trip.

The Trip As I was called upon on several occasions to put my coffee down and help Greg lift the engine into place, I therefore take some pride of ownership into our road adventure. But what I am really looking forward to is watching this bike being ridden 3,000+ miles from the comfort of my 2011 Road Glide. I even got a new seat this year--a beautiful Mustang Two Up Touring seat--to make the viewing all that more comfy. (Pics of new seat will have to come....its dark outside right now.)
The roads I will be following and observing my good friend on are those which lead to Deadwood South Dakota. Home of the Black Hills National Forest and the Badlands National Park, South Dakota is an area of the country heretofore glimpsed by me only in my dreams, and is the site of this seasons's Road King Riders and Gliders High Plains Gypsy Tour. And Deadwood--most importantly to a serious history buff and an incurable romantic--is famous for, inter alia, being where Wild Bill Hickok was shot while sitting at a poker table holding "aces and eights", now known eponymously as the "Dead Man's Hand". (I understand the dispute which led to this shooting was not, as one might imagine, over cards: as our French friends say -- cherchez la femme!)
Greg and I take off next Thursday, August 30, and head off across Northern California to the Northeast and Western Nevada. From there we will leave the Interstate slab and head up to Boisie ID, cut over across Yellowstone National Park and environs, and arrive in Deadwood on Labor Day. There we will meet up with approximately 35 fellow Road King/Glide riders from the Road King Forum who are meeting there for a week of riding and convivial biker talk. Well, I say convivial in the hope that we can refrain from political discussions. (Probably a vain hope in an election year, wouldn't you say?) As one of the few token liberals to be admitted to this august (if largely ill informed and misguided) group, I look forward to this with some trepidation. Greg will also take advantage of the chance to attend a nearby Antique Motorcycles convention of some sort. Although I confess to being a thing of beauty when paired with my motorcycle, I suspect that the 1947 Indian Chief will be the constant center of attention on this trip. Ah well, fame, riches and beauty are all fleeting: at least I will have the comfort of a lambskin seat cover and shock absorbers! More to come as preparations progress! See y'all in Deadwood!
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