Ah, where to begin. Perhaps with the landscape, as I saw a lot of it today. Lets see, there was sagebrush and what I think may be pinon pine, but some sort of scrub pine. Hillier and greener than west of Ely. Got into good old Mormon farming country today. Neatest stacks of baled hay I've ever seen. Hard working communities to scrape an agriculture based living out of this country. Passed two "school bus stop" signs out in the middle of nowhere.
I am now into the Utah of "red bluffs and canyons" : I am in a sort of run down private camp in the town of Torrey...clean and cheap and warm (barely) shower is included. But it stares out at a magnificent bank of red eroded cliffs. I mean the absolutely spectacular stuff! And they have junky old equipment and some old trailers just sitting there enjoying and/or blocking the view!~ Ah well, such is life. Will take photos tomorrow so that I can post some. I am right outside the gate to Capitol Reef NP and the drive tomorrow is supposed to be spectacular.
I am trying to decide between going NE to Moab tomorrow and see the parks up there, and my original plan of heading SE towards monument valley. I think I'll do the former, as 1) its lower down and HOT SE from here; and 2) I think I'll see more stuff this way. I hate to miss Monument Valley, but that may be a separate trip all to itself someday.
BTW east of Ely NV Hwy 50 is a lot lonelier...still traffic, but not a whole lot!
Bike is running great, but somehow busted a latch on the Tour Pak (trunk). I guess I will have to locate a dealer somewhere on the way to NOLa and get it fixed. Think I can limp along without it. One of those days though: I stopped and bought some good coffee so I can live the life of luxury here. Finding good coffee in Utah is a challenge! Finding Decaf is even harder (that's my evening cuppa, don't ya know). Finally found some, and when I got to camp one of the bags was no longer wedged in its secure temporary storage spot. Some animals are going to enjoy a lot of Starbucks Espresso Roast!
Only met one person today to talk to...couldn't really help it as we were stuck in line together waiting for a table for dinner. Retired overweight doctor from Chicago; says his wife sends him off by himself on a six week hiking trip each year, and takes out extra health insurance hoping he doesn't make it back. I'm kinda sidin' with ol' wifey on this one. 'Nite all.
WELCOME to Between The Lines
This is my chronicle of my occasional travels about the country. I started it in 2010 for my trip on my 2005 Harley Road King Classic for Big Daddy's Gulf Coast Gypsy Tour to New Orleans...Read below to find out about it! NEW REQUEST FOR READERS! If you are following this blog, sign in as a follower! That way I get to know who my audience is, which makes it more fun. Thanks!
In 2011 its the same destination, and its another Big Daddy Gypsy Tour, but on a different bike (my new Road Glide Ultra) and via a different route. This year is going to be in preparation for a 'Travels with Charlie' trip sometime in the future --so its camping along the way, and reporting as I have energy and internet connections.
Periodic posts will appear below, latest first. The "Pages" down at the bottom have some information of more general applicability or interest. Enjoy! HippieDave
Periodic posts will appear below, latest first. The "Pages" down at the bottom have some information of more general applicability or interest. Enjoy! HippieDave
uh oh - don't give your daughter-in-law any bright ideas.